敬和学園大学 授業アンケート集計

科目名 文化交流論1 履修登録者数 16人
授業形態 講義 回答者数 13人
担当教員名 Gregory A. Goodmacher 回答率 81.3%


The only written comment was "interesting class."

The data indicates that the students believe the following:

The teacher prepared for class.
Explanations are useful.
Visual aids are helpful.
Students have enough time for speaking and asking questions.
The class is an enriching environment.
Class pace is fine.
Most students are satisfied.
Their English has improved.

I would like students to study more outside of class.

The only written comment was "interesting class."

The data indicates that the students believe the following:

The teacher prepared for class.
Explanations are useful.
Visual aids are helpful.
Students have enough time for speaking and asking questions.
The class is an enriching environment.
Class pace is fine.
Most students are satisfied.
Their English has improved.

I would like students to study more outside of class.
