敬和学園大学 授業アンケート集計

科目名 文化交流論2 履修登録者数 7 人
授業形態 講義 回答者数 7 人
担当教員名 Gregory A. Goodmacher 回答率 100 %



The student evaluations were very positive, so I am content. There is one point that I do need to rethink, though. Although, the students expressed satisfaction with the entire class, they did mark that the content was easy. The English level of the students this year was much higher than the level of the students the year before, and their abilities were, in general, higher than those in my other classes. Perhaps, I became too accustomed to the level of the majority of my students and did not make this class enough of a challenge for these particular students. In the future, I must remember to always concentrate on each class as a unique group.
