敬和学園大学 授業アンケート集計

科目名 グローバル・イシューズ2 履修登録者数 2 人
授業形態 語学 回答者数 2 人
担当教員名 Gregory A. Goodmacher 回答率 100 %



The scores for the questions regarding my teaching showed that the students were completely or close to completely satisfied. This past semester I decided to give the students more of a voice in suggesting particular topics related to global issues that they wanted to study, and I think that the students appreciated having more of a voice in the classroom. I completely agree that the number of students was too small. This class is one of the highest level optional English classes, and, unfortunately, most of the third-year students do not take many optional classes in the the second semester of the third year, and most fourth-year students rarely take classes. I believe that our students and our college are too focused on job hunting. We should encourage the pursuit of learning more than we are currently doing.
