敬和学園大学 授業アンケート集計

科目名 コミュニケーション演習2K 履修登録者数 16 人
授業形態 演習 回答者数 14 人
担当教員名 Gregory A. Goodmacher 回答率 88 %



Reading the compilation of the students responses to this class gave me a sense of reward. The written comments were very positive:"英語力が上がった" and "英語で海外のことについて知ることができた"。The students gave extremely high marks in regard to the questions regarding my teaching and the class itself. During the semester, I had worried that the textbook was too easy for the students, so I also assigned other assignments that demanded more study and more homework. Apparently, the students felt that they benefited from this approach. Most of the students from last semester are taking my classes this semester, and I plan to make this year's classes a little more demanding in terms of study.
