敬和学園大学 授業アンケート集計

科目名 グローバル・イシューズ1 履修登録者数 17人
授業形態 語学 回答者数 13人
担当教員名 Gregory A. Goodmacher 回答率 76%


One student wrote 先生の説明が分かり易かったです。Reading this comment gave me a sense of reward because this class covers some complicated topics, and I do my best to provide comprehensible explanations. As always, I wish that more students would provide written feedback. The numerical expressions of student responses to questions regarding my teaching were positive. In the second semester, a few students left and a few new students entered the class. Afterward, the difference in abilities from the weakest student to the highest student increased tremendously. This has made teaching more difficult this semester. I am curious as to how students will evaluate my teaching at the end of the second semester.
