敬和学園大学 授業アンケート集計

科目名 英語ⅠUnitB(聴く・話す) 履修登録者数 19人
授業形態 語学 回答者数 16人
担当教員名 Gregory A. Goodmacher 回答率 84%


This year, the students listed many positive comments (much more than usual), so I feel that I am on the right path with this class. However, there were one or two students who found this class difficult. I aim for the center of the class and try my best to also raise the level of the students who started this class at a lower level than most others. I encourage students who have trouble understanding to come to my office for extra help, but the students who stay to ask questions or who visit me are not the ones who need the most help.
