敬和学園大学 授業アンケート集計

科目名 コミュニケーション演習1K 履修登録者数 7人
授業形態 演習 回答者数 5人
担当教員名 Gregory A. Goodmacher 回答率 71%


This was a very difficult class for me to teach because the students seem different in level and in background, so I was expecting negative comments from the students. To my great pleasure and surprise, the comments showed appreciation for my teaching. I spent a lot of time thinking about how to reach each student and how to develop an atmosphere of trust and respect. This semester, I started off by asking the students what they would like to study and discuss, so in addition to using the textbook and related video, we will read newspaper articles about topics of their choice. I am also going to, sometimes, develop different teaching materials for different levels. Because this is a small class, I can personalize the classroom to a greater extent than if it were a class with many students. I expect that the satisfaction level will be even higher in the second semester.
