敬和学園大学 授業アンケート集計

科目名 コミュニケーション演習2K 履修登録者数 6人
授業形態 演習 回答者数 5人
担当教員名 Gregory A. Goodmacher 回答率 83%


Although this was a small class, the levels of the students varied considerably, so finding the right material for everyone felt like an impossible task. I felt that I made a mistake when choosing the textbook last year. I did not find it as stimulating when using it as I had thought it would be when I first examined it, so I ended up adding my own activities to make up for its deficits. For the next class, I thought long and hard about a new book, and I believe that I made the right decision this time. Instead of teaching at the lowest level, I decided to teach around the level of the average student. As a result, no one was constantly satisfied with the materials and the level. Nonetheless, all the students positively ranked my teaching. All of the students reported that I created a pleasant atmosphere for them. I am very glad to know this.
