敬和学園大学 授業アンケート集計

科目名 コミュニケーション演習3K 履修登録者数 6人
授業形態 演習 回答者数 5人
担当教員名 Gregory A. Goodmacher 回答率 83%


The scores for the section regarding my teacher were extremely high, which is satisfying. The sections for the class itself, though, were not as high as I would like them to be. However, I am not surprised. This is a small class but the students' knowledge of English and communicative abilities vary tremendously. If I go fast to challenge the students with the highest English levels, the pace will be too fast for the other students. If I go slow enough for the student with the lowest level abilities to comprehend everything, the other students would be bored. The interests of the students also vary. I am using a textbook with fourteen different topics, and I allow students to vote as to which topic to study. One of the topics is similar to information that I taught in my global issues class, but that topic was chosen by the majority of students. Two of the students in this course also take the global issues course. I will continue to think of ways to interest all of the students, but because of the vast gap in ages, interests, and abilities, I do not think that I can satisfy each student every class.
