敬和学園大学 授業アンケート集計

科目名 文化交流論2 履修登録者数 15人
授業形態 講義 回答者数 14人
担当教員名 Gregory A. Goodmacher 回答率 93%


The number of comments written by students took me by surprise. Two of the comments mentioned my using humor in the classroom. Another student in my English B class also wrote that she enjoyed my sense of humor. I believe in using humor in the class, and attempting to be funny is a part of my fundamental nature. I will continue to try and find new ways to use humor in an educational manner. I want to make my students try hard, laugh hard, and study hard. Speaking of which, a couple of students wrote about the amount of homework that they had to do. So of them think that I give too much homework, but I disagree. Doing homework helps to increase their knowledge and skills. I plan to continue assigning homework. The average scores of my class evaluations were better than those of the average scores of the entire college. I plan to work hard at improving my teaching. I will examine the handouts that I used last year and improved them for future classes.
