敬和学園大学 授業アンケート集計

科目名 コミュニケーション演習6K 履修登録者数 5人
授業形態 回答者数 4人
担当教員名 Gregory A. Goodmacher 回答率 80%


I looked forward to going to this class very much because the students all got along with each other. They did not need to take this course. Almost all students could graduate without the credits, but they came because they enjoyed speaking and studying. Since we had finished the textbook in the first semester, I decided to allow students to choose their own topics and prepare teaching materials for others. This worked very well. However, because of the number of class meetings, some students had to do this more than once. When they studied in Communication 3,4, and 5, they used the same textbook and teaching methods that I used with another class last year in Communication 1 and 2, but due to class characteristics, the results of the surveys were very different.
