敬和学園大学 授業アンケート集計

科目名 KEEP B1(聴く・話す) 履修登録者数 30人
授業形態 語学 回答者数 13人
担当教員名 Gregory A. Goodmacher 回答率 43%


I felt that the students appreciated my work when I read the following comments: 分からないと言ったところは分かるまで丁寧に説明してくれたので良かった。 ・人と話す時間を沢山もらい、語学力もコミュニケーション力も友達の輪も広がった。 ・授業外でも様々な質問に親身になって答えてくださる良い先生です。 I try to create an atmosphere in which students feel comfortable communicating with other students and with me. This year's student group came to this course with low language skills compared to other groups that have used the same textbook in the past. This group also has a wide gap in vocabulary knowledge and listening ability. As a result, I am not surprised that some students reported that the level of the class was not a good match for their language level. Some students scored very highly on the examinations. I spoke to the students and asked what they thought was easy and what was difficult. I am now changing some of the teaching materials to make the class easier for low-level students while trying to keep the course challenging for higher-level students. We will see how the second semester goes. I expect a better evaluation in the second semester.
