『English Time (2nd Edition) 』 series 外山節子 共著
『English Time (2nd Edition) 』 series 外山節子 共著
外山節子共著 『English Time (2nd Edition) 』 series
Oxford University Press 2011年8~12月

Unit 1: In the Neiborhood
Unit 2: In the Meadow
Unit 3: On the Farm
Unit 4: At the Stationery Store
Unit 5: At School
Unit 6: In Gym Class
Unit 7: At the Food Court
Unit 8: At the Supermarket
Unit 9: At the Circus
Unit 10: Around Town
Unit 11: In Annie’s Yard
Unit 12: At the Park

Unit 1: At Home with Annie
Unit 2: In the Classroom
Unit 3: At a Birthday Party
Unit 4: At the Store Window
Unit 5: At the Airport
Unit 6: At the Flower Shop
Unit 7: In the Department Store
Unit 8: In a Messy Classroom
Unit 9: In the Store
Unit 10: At the Clinic
Unit 11: At Home with Ted
Unit 12: On a Picnic

Unit 1: Pets
Unit 2: Food
Unit 3: Activities at Home
Unit 4: Modes of Transportation
Unit 5: Body Parts
Unit 6: Personal Items
Unit 7: Items in a Drugstore
Unit 8: Nature
Unit 9: Food and Condiments
Unit 10: Public Builldings
Unit 11: Places at Home
Unit 12: Daily Activities

Unit 1: Camping Activities
Unit 2: Amusement Park Activities
Unit 3: Chores
Unit 4: Activities in Town
Unit 5: Food and Drinks
Unit 6: Seasons and Seasonal Activities
Unit 7: Sea Animals
Unit 8: Land Animals
Unit 9: Recreation
Unit 10: Hobbies
Unit 11: Planets
Unit 12: Occupations

Unit 1: Buildings Prepositions
Unit 2: Food Quantities
Unit 3: Daily Activities / Alone or With Others
Unit 4: Activities at a Movie Studio / Frequency
Unit 5: Activities in Town / Frequency
Unit 6: Musical Instruments / Adverbs
Unit 7: Animals / Movement
Unit 8: Young Children’s Activities /
Remembering Abilities
Unit 9: Cities Around the World / Months
Unit 10: Actions at School / Consequences

Unit 1: Items in a Department Store /
Comparisons / Superlatives
Unit 2: Vacation / Adjectives / Comparisons
Unit 3: Adjectives / Negative Questions
Unit 4: Ranch Activities / Tag Questions
Unit 5: Natural Disasters / Adjectives
Unit 6: Activities at a Mall / Present Perfect
Unit 7: School Subjects / Adjectives
Unit 8: Summer Camp Activities / Adjectives
Unit 9: Hobbies and Occupations / Present Perfect
Unit 10: Party Activities / Past Passive