
敬和学園大学 人文学部英語文化コミュニケーション学科(異文化理解)の教員公募要項



 人文学部 英語文化コミュニケーション学科

 大分類: 人文・社会
 小分類: 地域研究・社会学

 英語文化コミュニケーション学科に所属する専任教員(教授、准教授または常勤専任講師) 1名




 1. 英語を母語とする者で異文化理解の分野において顕著な業績を有する者
 2. 博士の学位を有する者、またはそれと同等の研究業績を有する者
 3. 大学・短大での教育経験がある者が望ましい    
 4. キリスト教教育に理解ある者
 5. 新発田市あるいはその周辺地域に居住可能な者
 6. 業務に支障のない日本語能力を有する者

  就業時間: 裁量労働制(1日8時間)
  社会保険: 私学共済、雇用保険、労災保険
  休日: 原則土日祝日、夏期休業、冬期休業




 1. 履歴書(A4判、写真貼付、Eメールアドレス、照会先1件を記入)1部
 2. 教育研究業績一覧(A4判、形式任意、主要なもの3点に丸印をつけること)1部
 3. 2 の主要な著書または論文(抜き刷り、コピー可)3点
 4. 主要業績 3 の要旨(A4判、各英文500 words 以内、または和文 1,000文字以内)
 5. 「リベラルアーツ教育において私が目指すもの」と題するエッセイ(A4判、英文 1,000 words 程度、または和文 2,000文字程度)

 1. 募集期間内に応募書類を送付、またはJREC-IN Portalの「Web応募」から提出してください。
 2.送付の場合は、封筒に「英語文化コミュニケーション学科教員応募書類 在中」と朱書きし、書留郵便(簡易書留、レターパックまたは宅配便など追跡可能な方法)で、送付してください。
 3.JREC-IN Portalの「Web応募」から提出する場合は、Zipファイル形式で1つにまとめてアップロードしてください。研究業績が電子データで提出できない場合は、送付してください。その際、封筒に「英語文化コミュニケーション学科教員Web応募書類 在中」と朱書きし、書留郵便(簡易書留、レターパックまたは宅配便など追跡可能な方法)で、送付してください。

 〒957-8585 新潟県新発田市富塚1270
 敬和学園大学 人文学部 英語文化コミュニケーション学科長 益谷真宛


 e-mail: somu@keiwa-c.ac.jp
 Tel. 0254-26-3636
 Fax. 0254-26-3646

* ご提供いただいた応募書類は、本学「個人情報の保護に関する規程」に従って適正に管理し、人事選考以外の目的には使用いたしません。また、不採用者の応募書類は、一定期間経過後に厳正に処分いたします。


Job Listing for a Full-time Faculty Position  
Department of English and Communication, Faculty of Humanities, Keiwa College

Release date: August 3, 2023
Title: Job Listing for a Full-time Faculty Position
Department: Department of English and Communication, Faculty of Humanities, Keiwa College
Position: Professor, Associate Professor, or Full-time Lecturer
Type of institution: private college
Major category: Humanities
Subcategory: Linguistics, Literature
Field of Research: Cross-cultural Understanding
Job description: About 7 classes/semester from English for communication, Communication Seminars, Classes related to Cross-cultural Understanding, English for Tourism, Business English.
Research, committee work, and other duties required by the college.
Type of service: Permanent (Tenured)
Location: 1270 Tomizuka, Shibata City, Niigata Prefecture, Japan
Openings: one

(1) Native speakers of English with outstanding achievements in the field of cross-cultural understanding
(2) Those with a doctoral degree or those with research achievements equivalent to a doctoral degree
(3) Those with teaching experience at a university or college are preferred
(4) Those with an understanding of Christian education
(5) Those who can live in Shibata City or the surrounding area
(6) Those who have sufficient Japanese language skills to work in the Japanese college environment

Hiring Date: April 1, 2024 
Payment: Salary, bonus, and other benefits will be paid following the College’s regulations.
Application period: August 3, 2023, to September 15, 2023

Application documents:
(1) One copy of Curriculum Vitae (A4 size, photo attached, e-mail address, reference)
(2) A list of educational and research achievements (any format, Circle three major items.)
(3) Three copies of the major books or papers mentioned in (2) above (off-prints or photocopies acceptable)
(4) Abstracts of the three major achievements (500 words in English or 1,000 characters in Japanese for each)
(5) An essay titled “My Aim in Liberal Arts Education” (A4 size, 1000 words in English or 2000 characters in Japanese)

Application Method:
1) Submit application documents by mail or via the “Web Application” on the JREC-IN Portal within the application period.
2) If submitting by mail, please write “Application for the Teaching Position in the Department of English and Communication” in red ink on the envelope and send it by registered mail (by a traceable method such as registered mail, Letter Pack, or courier service).
3) If submitting via “Web Application” on the JREC-IN Portal, please upload your application in a single Zip file format. If you cannot upload your research achievements or other documents, please send them by mail. Please write “Web-based Application for the Teaching Position in the Department of English and Communication” in red ink on the envelope and send it by registered mail (by a traceable method such as registered mail, Letter Pack, or courier service).
4) In principle, application materials will not be returned. However, if you wish to have your application materials returned, please enclose a self-addressed Letter Pack or envelope (with stamps or a collect-on-delivery courier slip).

Address to:
Makoto Masutani
the Chairperson of the Department of English and Communication
Keiwa College
1270 Tomizuka, Shibata City, Niigata Prefecture, 957-8585 Japan

Selection Process 
After the selection by documents, interviews will be conducted in late May or early June. Applicants will be notified of the selection results in writing.

Somu, Keiwa College
Email: somu@keiwa-c.ac.jp
Phone: 81-254-26-3636
Fax: 81-254-26-3646

Application documents provided by applicants will be properly handled following the College’s “Regulations Concerning the Protection of Personal Information” and will not be used for any purpose other than personnel selection. Application documents of unsuccessful applicants will be strictly disposed of after a certain period.